ELI - A - hra - Sentence Maker!

Autor:  /  Vydavatel: ELI s.r.l.
This game improve production of sentences using time expressions with the correct use of tenses. Practice vocabulary associated with everyday verbs. The box contains a gameboard; 66 playing cards; a number dice; a dice with personal pronouns; a dice with affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms and a teacher's booklet.
Dostupnosť tovaru: Skladom viac ako 5 ks
20,50 € s DPH
17,22 € s DPH
EAN: 9788853616746
Žánr: Angličtina - Jazykové hry
Edice: Jazykové Hry
Formát: 215x145
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Jazykové Hry
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