ELI - A - Young adult 4 - Tales from Shakespeare - readers

Autor: Charles a Mary Lamb  /  Vydavatel: ELI s.r.l.
This edition includes seven of Shakespeare’s plays: As You Like It, The Merchant of Venice, The Tempest, Twelfth Night, Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. They tell stories of love, romance, ambition, jealousy and death, to name but a few of Shakespeare’s favourite themes and introduce us to some of his most famous characters.
Dostupnosť tovaru: Skladom 5 ks
11,90 € s DPH
5,95 € s DPH
EAN: 9788853617545
Žánr: Angličtina - Cudzojazyčné čítanie
Edice: Young Adult Eli Readers
Počet stran: 144
Formát: A5
Vazba: měkká
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Young Adult Eli Readers