Fairyland 4 - activity book

Autor: Dooley J., Evans V.  /  Vydavatel: Express Publishing s.a.
The Activity Book is in full-colour and consists of six modules of six pages each. The Activity Book can be used either in class or for homework, upon completion of each corresponding unit in the Pupil´s Book. It aims to consolidate the language that appears in the Pupil´s Book through various exercises incorporating all four skills.
Dostupnosť tovaru: Skladom viac ako 5 ks
12,10 € s DPH
10,16 € s DPH
EAN: 9781846794872
Žánr: Angličtina - Učebnice pre 1. stupeň ZŠ
Edice: Fairyland
Počet stran: 136
Formát: A4
Vazba: měkká
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