Fairyland 4 - vocabulary & grammar practice

Autor: Dooley J., Evans V.  /  Vydavatel: Express Publishing s.a.
Fairyland 4 Vocabulary & Grammar Practice is specially designed to help pupils consolidate the language introduced in the Pupil´s Book. Key Feautures: - All new words and phrases listed for translation. - Key grammar points eplained in English. - Lexical and grammar exercises for each unit in two sections (Vocabulary Practice, Grammar Practice)
Dostupnosť tovaru: Nie je na sklade
11,70 € s DPH
9,83 € s DPH
EAN: 9781846794278
Žánr: Angličtina - Učebnice pre 1. stupeň ZŠ
Edice: Fairyland
Počet stran: 112
Formát: A4
Vazba: měkká
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